This time in
"Howard Dean was the Democratic front-runner in the 2004 presidential campaign until he responded to losing the Iowa caucus with a frenzied speech and wild whoop. Instead of rallying his troops, Dean's rant on national TV became one of the most laughed-at moments in political history and took the steam out of the former Vermont governor's bid for the White House.
Republicans plan to poke more fun at the episode when Dean, now chairman of the Democratic National Committee, appears today at a Democratic Party event in Lawrenceville. The Young Republicans of Allegheny County are hosting a 'Howard Dean Scream' contest outside the Church Brew Works, 3525 Liberty Ave., where Dean is scheduled to speak at a $25-a-person money-raising rally."
Last time it was in SC. It's amazing that
only when the Republicans start making jokes do Democrats want to talk about the issues.
Damien LaVera, a spokesman for the DNC, described the GOP counter-rally as "sad." He said Dean "is coming to Pittsburgh to talk about serious issues that affect Pittsburgh families and the best they can do is a silly scream contest."
"There are real issues that matter to real families. Let's talk about those," he said.
And when he says "talk" I'm sure he means "throw pie" or call people Nazi's. It's really hard to ask us to take a party seriously that has Dean as their head. I mean "Losers", "Never did an honest days work", "The only way Republicans could get this many minorities in here would be to invite in the cleaning staff" and they want to engage us in serious debate? OK we'll just be here waiting for them to start. In the mean time YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH!!!!!