Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A great idea

 I got this from GOP3.com:

We cannot let this continue if we want to continue to expose the faults of the liberal ideology to as many people as possible. If we do not take the time to be involved and promote (digg in this case) the right ideas, we will be ultimately beaten, not just in exposure but across the US in political campaigns.

Here is what I propose:

  1. 1. Go to digg.com and register.
  2. 2. Post your digg username as a comment on this post.
  3. 3. Add your follow conservative diggers from the comments section of this post as your friends in digg. (Login to digg, click on your profile link on the top middle of the page, then click on the Friends tab).
  4. 4. Click on the Friends tab again and you should see all the news your friends have “dugg” lately, you can then digg all the interesting news you see with the knowledge that you are promoting oft ignored conservative news and opinions to millions who may never have seen it.

It's a good idea. My username is jerminator77. And you can look at my friends page here.

Sign up and get digging.